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How to Make Turkish Coffee on the Go

Published on: July 28, 2024

Turkish coffee, with its rich history and unique preparation method, is a beloved tradition that coffee enthusiasts often miss while traveling. But what if you could bring this centuries-old brewing technique with you on your adventures? This guide will show you how to make authentic Turkish coffee on the go, allowing you to enjoy this cultural delicacy wherever your travels take you.

Why Make Turkish Coffee While Traveling?”Coffee Cocktails You Can Make While Traveling”

Before we dive into the how-to, let’s consider the benefits of brewing Turkish coffee on your journeys:

  1. Cultural Connection: Maintain a link to Turkish culture and tradition.
  2. Unique Flavor: Enjoy the distinctive taste of Turkish coffee anywhere.
  3. Conversation Starter: Share the experience with fellow travelers or locals.
  4. Ritual and Mindfulness: Create a moment of calm in your busy travel schedule.
  5. Authenticity: Brew Turkish coffee the way it’s meant to be enjoyed, even far from Turkey.

Essential Equipment for Portable Turkish Coffee

To make Turkish coffee on the go, you’ll need:

  1. Cezve (Turkish Coffee Pot):

    • Traditional: Small copper or brass pot with a long handle
    • Travel-friendly option: Stainless steel or aluminum cezve
  2. Portable Heat Source:

    • Camping stove
    • Portable electric heater
    • Immersion heater (for hotel rooms)
  3. Turkish Coffee Grinder:

    • Manual grinder capable of very fine grinds
    • Pre-ground Turkish coffee as a backup
  4. Turkish Coffee Cups (Fincan):

    • Traditional small cups
    • Travel-friendly option: Durable espresso cups
  5. Additional Items:

    • Spoon for stirring
    • Sugar (if desired)
    • Water bottle
    • Small container for coffee grounds

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Turkish Coffee on the Go

1. Prepare Your Equipment

  • Set up your portable heat source in a safe, stable area.
  • Ensure your cezve is clean and dry.

2. Measure Ingredients

  • For each cup of coffee:
    • 1 Turkish coffee cup (fincan) of cold water
    • 1-2 heaped teaspoons of finely ground coffee
    • Sugar to taste (traditionally 0-3 teaspoons)

3. Combine Ingredients

  • Add water to the cezve.
  • Add coffee (and sugar if desired) to the water.
  • Do not stir yet!

4. Heat the Coffee

  • Place the cezve on your heat source.
  • Heat slowly, allowing the coffee to sink and sugar to dissolve.

5. First Stir

  • When the coffee starts to sink and sugar dissolves, stir gently.
  • This is the only time you’ll stir the coffee.

6. Watch for Foam

  • As the coffee heats, a foam will start to form.
  • This foam is crucial for authentic Turkish coffee.

7. Control the Foam

  • When the foam starts to rise, remove from heat.
  • Spoon some foam into each cup.
  • Return cezve to heat.

8. Final Rise

  • Allow the coffee to rise again, almost to the point of boiling.
  • Remove from heat immediately before it boils over.

9. Serve

  • Pour the coffee slowly into cups, distributing the foam evenly.
  • Allow the coffee to settle for a moment before drinking.

Tips for Perfect Turkish Coffee on the Go

  1. Water Quality: Use filtered or bottled water for the best taste.
  2. Grind Size: Turkish coffee requires an extra-fine grind, almost like powder.
  3. Don’t Rush: Slow heating is key to developing the proper foam and flavor.
  4. No Stirring: After the initial stir, let the coffee brew undisturbed.
  5. Foam is Crucial: The foam (kaimaki) is a sign of properly made Turkish coffee.
  6. Serve Immediately: Turkish coffee is best enjoyed right after brewing.

Variations to Try

  1. Mastic Coffee: Add a small piece of mastic resin for a unique flavor.
  2. Cardamom Turkish Coffee: Add a pinch of ground cardamom for a aromatic twist.
  3. Iced Turkish Coffee: Pour hot Turkish coffee over ice for a refreshing summer drink.

Cultural Etiquette and Traditions

Understanding these can enhance your Turkish coffee experience:

  1. Serving Order: Traditionally served to the eldest or most honored guest first.
  2. Fortune Telling: In Turkey, it’s common to read fortunes in the coffee grounds left in the cup.
  3. Accompaniments: Often served with a glass of water and sometimes Turkish delight.
  4. Drinking Pace: Sip slowly and savor the experience. It’s meant to be enjoyed leisurely.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

No Foam

  • Ensure your coffee is fresh and finely ground.
  • Heat more slowly to allow foam to develop.

Bitter Taste

  • Avoid over-extraction by removing from heat promptly.
  • Adjust coffee-to-water ratio.

Grounds in the Cup

  • Pour more slowly and steadily.
  • Allow coffee to settle before drinking.

Sustainability Considerations

  1. Use a reusable metal filter in your grinder to reduce paper waste.
  2. Choose responsibly sourced Turkish coffee beans.
  3. Compost used coffee grounds when possible.

Health Notes

  • Turkish coffee is strong and concentrated. Be mindful of your caffeine intake.
  • The grounds in Turkish coffee may not be suitable for those with digestive sensitivities.

Pairing Suggestions

Enhance your Turkish coffee experience with these traditional pairings:

  1. Turkish Delight (Lokum)
  2. Baklava
  3. Dried fruits and nuts
  4. Dark chocolate

The Art of Turkish Coffee in Different Settings

Beach Brewing

  • Use a camping stove away from the sand.
  • Enjoy the contrast of strong coffee and sea breeze.

Mountain Top Turkish Coffee

  • Adjust brewing time for high altitudes.
  • Savor the combination of crisp mountain air and rich coffee aroma.

Hotel Room Hacks

  • Use an immersion heater with caution.
  • Brew in the bathroom to contain any spills.

Connecting Through Coffee

Turkish coffee is more than just a beverage; it’s a social ritual:

  1. Invite fellow travelers to share in the experience.
  2. Use it as an opportunity to learn about local coffee customs.
  3. Offer to make Turkish coffee for hosts or new friends as a gesture of goodwill.


Mastering the art of making Turkish coffee on the go allows you to carry a piece of rich cultural tradition with you wherever you travel. It’s not just about the distinctive taste or the caffeine boost; it’s about creating moments of connection, reflection, and cultural appreciation amidst your journeys.

Remember, the beauty of Turkish coffee lies not just in its preparation, but in the entire experience surrounding it. Take the time to slow down, engage in conversation, and fully immerse yourself in the ritual. Whether you’re brewing on a serene beach, in a cozy mountain cabin, or in your hotel room, let the aroma and tradition of Turkish coffee enhance your travel experiences.

With this guide, you’re now equipped to brew authentic Turkish coffee anywhere in the world. So pack your cezve, prepare your taste buds, and get ready to enjoy this timeless tradition on your next adventure. Safe travels and afiyet olsun (enjoy your meal)!